Does Your Eyeball Unlock MTAC? - NCIS

Publish date: 2024-07-31

I like the idea of Tony in an adult relationship with someone who treats him like a decent human being instead of something unpleasant they've found underneath their shoe.  Just so long as it's kept in the background and we don't have to suffer great clunking anvils being dropped into episodes they have no business to be in (yes I loathed Tiva with a passion).

TV Fanatic has an interview with GG which has some interesting sounding spoilers:

TV Fanatic

Edited highlights include:

Multiple crossovers with NOLA

Season long Russian big bad

Gibbs & McGee in Russia in episode 1 

Ducky origin story which invloves Ducky and Bishop going to England

Love the idea of the Ducky episode, we haven't had a decent Ducky episode in forever.  The idea of a Russian big bad is certainly topical, and makes a welcome change from the seemingly endless stream of Middle Eastern types we've had in recent seasons.  I'm cautiously optimistic for season 12!
