Marvel Snap Valkyrie deck guide and how to counter it | Best Valkyrie decks in Marvel Snap

Publish date: 2024-08-14

Since being introduced to Marvel Snap in November 2022, Valkyrie has regularly been utilized in some of the best decks in the game.

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With a versatile ability that can either be used to boost your cards or hinder your opponent, Valkyrie can seamlessly fit into almost any deck in the game.

Whether you plan on building a Valkyrie deck or finding a way to counter her in Marvel Snap, we have you covered with our guide to the best Valkyrie decks in Marvel Snap and details on how to counter her too.

Valkyrie card abilities in Marvel Snap, explained

Valkyrie is a five-cost, three Power card in Marvel Snap with the ability: “On Reveal: Set all cards at this location to three Power.”

A Series Three card, Valkyrie can be attained from collection level 486 and above or as a free selection in the Token Shop, where you can grab a free Series Three card once per season.

Strategy and best combos for Valkyrie decks in Marvel Snap

Valkyrie is an effective card that can simultaneously boost the Power of your low-Power cards and reduce the Power of higher-Power cards your opponent has played. Some of the cards with the best synergy with Valkyrie include:

If you choose to play Valkyrie as a tactic to reduce your opponent’s Power at a location, Luke Cage is a must-have as he will prevent a reduction to your cards, and Absorbing Man can be used to copy Valkyrie’s ability and utilize it at another location, effectively limiting the Power your opponent can have there to 12.

As Silver Surfer provides a boost to all cards with three Power, he pairs perfectly with Valkyrie as a follow-up card after the effect has been played. If you have a location where On Reveal abilities happen more than once, even better.

Thanos is also an ideal fit for Valkyrie as his ability shuffles the six Infinity Stones into your deck. All six stones have a base Power of zero but, using Valkyrie, they can instead have three Power each.

Related: Best Cerebro decks in Marvel Snap and how to counter them

Best Valkyrie decks in Marvel Snap

Valkyrie Control

Players should consider snapping if several of the following cards have been drawn:

With the Infinity Stones at my disposal with Thanos in this deck, Valkyrie provided a much-need boost to their Power. I tried to play the Stones at the same location so they could all benefit from Valkyrie coming into play.

That was a secondary tactic a lot of the time, however, as I instead focused on limiting my opponent’s plays with cards like Storm, Professor X, and Spider-Man. By playing Valkyrie before those locations were locked down, I knew exactly what power I had to beat.

Blue Marvel was the surprise hero in this deck, providing a boost to all my cards when played. This proved to be particularly useful in locations that I had previously locked down, as it allowed me to boost my Power and win.

Related: Marvel Snap Ongoing deck guide: Best Ongoing decks

Valkyrie Kazoo

Players should consider snapping if several of the following cards have been drawn:

The Kazoo deck continues to be one of the most popular decks in Marvel Snap and I thoroughly enjoyed this variation, which allowed me to further boost all the low-Power cards in my deck.

My strategy was to get as many of the low-cost cards onto the field as early as possible, playing Valkyrie at a location where my opponent had significantly more Power and leveling the playing field there.

Using Blue Marvel and Kazar, along with Mystique to copy either of their abilities in a follow-up play, I was able to provide boosts across the board that pushed me toward victory, and having Valkyrie as an aggressive card gave me a counter when I came up against decks stacked with high-Power cards.

Valkyrie Cerebro

This was by far the best fun I had with any deck with Valkyrie, as it gave me the feeling that my plays were extremely beneficial and effective, while not being challenging at all to pick up and get up to speed with.

My tactic was simple enough, getting as many cards on the board as possible. The majority of this deck are three-Power cards which, as the highest Power cards I had in play, received a Power boost through Cerebro.

Valkyrie simply increased the effectiveness of Cerebro, bringing the few cards that were not three Power, namely Wasp, Bast, and Luke Cage, up to where I needed them to be. Bast also worked in the same manner when I had Wasp or Luke Cage in my hand when I played him.

Related: Best move decks in Marvel Snap and how to counter them

How to counter Valkyrie decks in Marvel Snap

As an On Reveal card, Valkyrie can easily be countered by playing Cosmo, who prevents On Reveal abilities from activating at the location where he is placed. But you will have to predict where Valkyrie would be played.

Luke Cage is an ideal counter as his Ongoing ability blocks your cards from having their Power reduced in any way, so any card with Power higher than three will not see a reduction, while those lower would be boosted.
